Culinary Education

This is a class blog for culinary classes taught by Dr. Jonathan Deutsch.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Baking help, but not for me.

So my roommate, who is pretty much domestically retarded, (she's my best friend, I'm allowed to say this)...tried baking a pecan pie for her boyfriend for V day. I wasn't home (thank goodness) when she did this, because I would have surely been on top of her, giving her more advice than she can handle, and then ultimately taking over the job out of frustration (she was adamant about avoiding this...she wanted to do it herself).

I get the call this morning about the result. Apparently, even hours after coming out of the oven, it was still fairly mushy. This may have been because the recipe called for 3 eggs and she dropped one, so she only used 2 (they were jumbo)...but also because it was still warm? How long should a pecan pie sit before it gets to the appropriate consistency? They put it into the refrigerator and apparently it was hard this morning...I don't think they've eaten it.

Also, the bottom crust seemed to have disintegrated. She used a shortbread crust. I thought at first that maybe it couldn't handle the oven for an hour, but after looking through other recipes, I don't think this is the case.

Can anyone solve the mystery?


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